Your Opinion Matters: Proposed Reversal of 24th Street

You may have heard about the Grays Ferry Triangles Gateway project proposed by South of South Neighborhood Association (SOSNA). While much of the project is focused on the neighborhood south of South Street, there is a proposed change within our boundaries: the reversal of 24th Street between Bainbridge Street and Lombard Street
Here's the high level summary:
  • Among SOSNA's stated goals for the Triangles Gateway are to address concerns about the intersections of Bainbridge, 24th Street, and Grays Ferry.
  • The project, as proposed, would change the direction of 24th Street from southbound to northbound between Bainbridge Street and Lombard Street.
  • The resulting intersection will force all north- and southbound 24th Street traffic to join westbound Lombard Street traffic. This will impact pedestrian crossings at the intersection. 
  • To further address concerns about northbound 24th Street traffic cutting down Naudain Street, Naudain Street could be reversed in the 2400 block.
  • SOSNA has stated that a preliminary traffic study shows no negative impact on traffic by this reversal; however, we do not know the scope of this assessment. We have requested more information but the results have not been made public.
There are ongoing conversations about the potential impacts of this project to vehicular traffic, delivery truck volume and behavior, bus routes, bike lanes, residents and businesses in the SOSNA Triangles area. These are important considerations and FSNA is committed to hearing our neighbors' opinions on the proposed 24th Street reversal. 
Please share your approval or disapproval via this short 1-question surveyGiven our mandate, input from Fitler Square residents - those living between South Street and Market Street, and the Schuylkill River to 21st Street -  will directly inform FSNA's official position on the matter. 
In addition to completing this survey, you can also share your opinion with  Councilmember Kenyatta Johnson, indicating that you live in the affected area by sharing your address. Councilmember Johnson can be reached at [email protected].


Showing 3 reactions

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  • David Peachey
    commented 2023-11-28 14:53:23 -0500
    PLEASE do NOT do this Project!
  • Peg Kendrick
    commented 2023-04-29 17:07:52 -0400
    So, let me be very clear. I do NOT support reversing the direction of 24th Street between Bainbridge and Lombard nor the reversal of direction on Naudain in the 2400 block. This has been proposed before (along with changing the direction of 25th Street), and the neighborhood input has overwhelmingly been against it. Furthermore, traffic lights have recently been installed at 24th and Bainbridge, so why are you talking about changing the direction of 24th Street now? Shouldn’t this survey have been done before the traffic lights were installed? Finally, and I must say I am bitter about this, we live on the north side of South Street, and SOSNA has repeatedly told us that they don’t represent us. How can SOSNA be asking about a change in traffic north of South if they don’t represent that area?
  • Megan Gabriel
    published this page in News 2023-03-31 15:38:35 -0400
